Motorboat & Sailboat Rentals
Motorboat rental prices and policies depend on the rental company. We work with companies in all the main ports to get the boat nearest your villa. A boat under 50HP does not require a license, and can usually only carry up to 7 people. Larger boats over 50HP require a nautical license. Rental is weather permitting only. See the services guide in the villa for specific boat rental companies in your area, or contact us to book your boat well in advance and be sure of availability.
Motorboats cost from €100 per half day, and require a damage deposit and insurance. Fuel is not included.
Small sailboats can be rented from Gargnano only, and are rented by the 2 or 3 hour session, from €30 per session for Lasers, more for TopCats and Solings.
Yachts are rented from the Toscolano port, and cost from €210 per day plus damage deposit and insurance.
NB: Boat rentals are always weather permitting. The rental company will not let their boats out in dangerous weather